Consult the detailed scoring methodology.
Question | Answer | Note |
Do ministries or regulatory agencies develop forward regulatory plans – that is, a public list of anticipated regulatory changes or proposals intended to be adopted/implemented within a specified time frame? | Yes, throughout government |
Annual plans of draft legislations are prepared by each ministry and by other central administration bodies.
Are these plans available to general public? | Yes |
The Plan on the Legislative works of the Government is available on the Government website (
Do ministries or regulatory agencies publish the text or summary of proposed (not yet adopted) regulations before their enactment? | Yes, throughout government | |
Where is the draft text or summary published? | On a unified website where all proposed regulations are published; directly distributed to interested stakeholders. |
Do ministries or regulatory agencies have the legal obligation to publish the text of proposed regulations before their enactment? | Yes, throughout government |
The requirement is based on the Legislative Rules of Government, adopted by the Government Resolution 188/1998 (as amended).
Is the entire text of the proposed draft published? | Yes, throughout government | |
Is there a period of time set by law for the text of the proposed regulations to be publicly available? | Yes |
The Legislative Rules of Government
Question | Answer | Note |
Do ministries or regulatory agencies conduct an impact assessment of proposed (not yet adopted) regulations? | Yes, throughout government |
In accordance with the Government Legislative Rules and mandatory RIA Guidelines.
Are there criteria used for determining which proposed regulations are subjected to an impact assessment? | Yes |
Regulatory Impact Assessments are not required in principle for regulations that only deal with technical changes of legal texts with no or minimum new impact.
Are there any specific regulatory impact assessment guidelines? | Yes | |
Are impact assessments required by law? | No | |
Are impact assessment made publicly available? | Yes | |
How is this assessment distributed? | Through a unified website for all proposed regulations. | |
When is this assessment distributed? | Together with the draft proposed legislation. |
In the stage of interdepartmental consultation procedure to a draft legislation.
Is there an obligation for regulators to consider alternatives to proposed regulation? | Yes, throughout government |
Additional alternatives are parts of the RIA Guidelines process.
Is there a specialized government body tasked with reviewing and monitoring regulatory impact assessments conducted by other individual agencies or government bodies? | Yes | |
Please provide the name of this government body, and explain its functions. |
The RIA Board, which is one of the advisory bodies of the Legislative Council of the Government, is the supreme advisory body preparing the general st...
The RIA Board, which is one of the advisory bodies of the Legislative Council of the Government, is the supreme advisory body preparing the general statement to the Government about the legal and constitutional quality of the draft laws before their delib |
Question | Answer | Note |
Are the laws that are currently in effect available in a single place? | Yes | |
How are the laws that are in force accessed? |
On a unified website managed by the government On a unified website managed by the private sector Printed in an official gazette / journal or ot... More On a unified website managed by the government |; Published in the Collection of Laws and Collection of International Treaties Municipal and regional authorities are obliged by law to provide access to everyone during working days. |
Are the secondary regulations that are currently in effect codified and available in a single place? | Yes | |
Are these websites or registries updated regularly? | Yes | |
Can these websites or registries be accessed by the public free of charge? | Yes |
Question | Answer | Note |
Do ministries or regulatory agencies conduct ex-post reviews? | Yes, throughout government |
There is a requirement in the mandatory RIA Guidelines (RIA Guidelines Part. B, Ch. 6 to conduct ex-post reviews for the regulations that were subject to ex-ante RIA. However, there is no formalized mechanism for systematic ex-post reviews (i.e. the ministries conduct ex-post reviews internally, upon their discretion. Ex-post reviews are neither published nor subject to external scrutiny). Therefore, to tackle these shortcomings, a new mechanism and guidelines for systematic ex-post reviews of existing regulations (primary laws and secondary regulations) is being prepared. The intention is to link ex-post reviews with the ex-ante RIA process.
Are there any criteria for which regulations are subject to ex-post reviews? | Yes |
Those regulations which were subject to ex-ante RIA.
What specific approaches are used by your government? | Rolling Reviews | |
Are ex-post reviews required by law? | Yes |
The general principles for regulatory impact assessment (RIA) of February 3, 2016 (OBECNÉ ZÁSADY PRO HODNOCENÍ DOPADŮ REGULACE (RIA)