Consult the detailed scoring methodology.
Question | Answer | Note |
Do ministries or regulatory agencies develop forward regulatory plans – that is, a public list of anticipated regulatory changes or proposals intended to be adopted/implemented within a specified time frame? | Yes, throughout government |
According to Article 69-D (II) of the Federal Law of Administrative Procedure, the Agencies and Ministries must submit (at least every two years) their Regulatory Improvement Programs for the opinion of COFEMER.
Are these plans available to general public? | Yes |
Through COFEMER's website and through five forums organized country-wide during June 2017, where private sector was also encouraged to make comments, resulting in the reception of 471 proposals to improve regulations.
Do ministries or regulatory agencies publish the text or summary of proposed (not yet adopted) regulations before their enactment? | Yes, throughout government | |
Where is the draft text or summary published? | On a unified website where all proposed regulations are published; directly distributed to interested stakeholders. |
Through a distribution list that sends a daily report to the subscribers on relevant regulations ( |
Do ministries or regulatory agencies have the legal obligation to publish the text of proposed regulations before their enactment? | Yes, throughout government |
Article 69(k) of the Federal Law of Administrative Procedure.
Is the entire text of the proposed draft published? | Yes, throughout government | |
Is there a period of time set by law for the text of the proposed regulations to be publicly available? | Yes |
Articles 69(k) and 69(L) of the Federal Law of Administrative Procedure.
Question | Answer | Note |
Do ministries or regulatory agencies solicit comments on proposed (not yet adopted) regulations from the general public? | Yes, throughout government |
According to Art. 69(k) of the Federal Law of Administrative Procedure, all drafts must be subject to a public consultation process.
How are the comments received? |
On a unified website for all proposed regulations; through targeted outreach to stakeholders, such as business associations or other groups; through e...
On a unified website for all proposed regulations; through targeted outreach to stakeholders, such as business associations or other groups; through email. |
Are received comments publicly accessible? | Yes, throughout government |
Made available through
Is the rulemaking body required by law to solicit these comments on proposed regulations? | Yes |
Articles 69(h) and (j) of the Federal Law on Administrative Procedures.
Is there a specialized government body or department tasked with soliciting and receiving these comments? | Yes |
Do ministries or regulatory agencies report on the results of the consultation on proposed regulations? | Yes, throughout government |
COFEMER publishes a report in its website after each public consultation.
How does the government report on the results of the consultation? |
Prepares one consolidated response. Provides customized responses. |
Where does the government report on the results of the consultation? | On a unified website for all proposed regulations. | |
Is reporting on the results of the consultation required by law? | Yes |
Article 69 (j) of the Federal Law of Administrative Procedure establishes that COFEMER’s opinion on regulatory proposals should take into consideration comments from interested parties.
Question | Answer | Note |
Do ministries or regulatory agencies conduct an impact assessment of proposed (not yet adopted) regulations? | Yes, throughout government |
According to art. 69(e)(II) of the Federal Law of Administrative Procedure, COFEMER must check that every regulatory proposal includes a cost-benefit analysis for the maximum benefit of society.
Are there criteria used for determining which proposed regulations are subjected to an impact assessment? | Yes |
There is an electronic risk calculator (cost-benefit analysis) to measure regulations that could have a significant impact. It can be reviewed at the Instructions Set C. (
Are there any specific regulatory impact assessment guidelines? | Yes | |
Are impact assessments required by law? | Yes |
Article 69(e) of the Federal Law on Administrative Procedure.
Are impact assessment made publicly available? | Yes | |
How is this assessment distributed? | Through a unified website for all proposed regulations. | |
When is this assessment distributed? | Together with the draft proposed legislation. | |
Is there an obligation for regulators to consider alternatives to proposed regulation? | Yes, throughout government |
Identification and consideration of possible alternatives to regulation are considered based on the Regulatory Impact assessment. (
Is there a specialized government body tasked with reviewing and monitoring regulatory impact assessments conducted by other individual agencies or government bodies? | Yes | |
Please provide the name of this government body, and explain its functions. | COFEMER |
Question | Answer | Note |
Are the laws that are currently in effect available in a single place? | Yes | |
How are the laws that are in force accessed? |
On a unified website managed by the government Printed in an official gazette / journal or other publication |
Laws are available in the Official Journal of the Federation (in electronic and printed version with the same legal validity). It can be accessed online or ordered in print. ( |
Are the secondary regulations that are currently in effect codified and available in a single place? | Yes | |
Are these websites or registries updated regularly? | Yes | |
Can these websites or registries be accessed by the public free of charge? | Yes |